Friday, January 23, 2009

My Wife.

This is my best friend/this is why she's my best friend.

These are the McPoyle's from televisions' It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. In the near future, Rene and I are planning to recreate this look for a photo shoot.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

There Are Too Many Things Everywhere.

There are box-elder bugs littered all over my room. I don't know if there's something wrong with my window, but they are the current bane of my existence. And, until recently, I didn't know their name was 'box-elder'...I've called them 'brick bugs' since I can remember. When I looked them up on wikipedia, the description said that the box elder bug was a species of 'true bug', whatever that means. I have an indirect light lamp in my room. These (true) bugs are naturally attracted to the light so they end up in the bowl of the lamp. When I hear their wings flapping, I attempt to kill them by spraying them with febreeze, which of course doesn't work. But as a result of this attempted slaying, and because the febreeze that gets sprayed directly onto the light bulbs, the scent permeates my room. So at least there's one good thing that comes of this whole Brick Bug Fiasco ('09).

If you don't know about all these good music websites that are out up. My favorites are La Blogotheque, Black Cab Sessions, The Current, and Daytrotter. Peter recently told me about Black Cab and I almost prefer it to La Blogotheque because it's just one cab ride, one take.
But since I can't post any videos from that site, here's the next best thing: one of Bon Iver's sessions for La Blogotheque.

It's amazing.

I watched a bit of Wes Anderson's Bottle Rocket tonight. I love that film. In the description of the film though, it says it stars Luke Wilson and Owen C. Wilson....which, for whatever reason lead me to investigate Owen a bit which lead me to discover that....the 'C' is for Cunningham and that he's only 3 years younger than my mother.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Asylum de Loons

Did I mention that I've been watching Disney movies like whoa recently? Well, in Beauty & the Beast when that terrifying man calls at Belle's house to take Maurice to the loony-bin because he's been spouting off about some mythical beast...the wagon that is in the background reads 'Asylum de Loons'. I just typed that into google and I was lead to a web-page with a huge picture of a guy whose head was just run over.

I will not be posting said picture.

I watched Leon: The Professional today while having my arm viciously torn off by the new puppy (who can somehow manage to be adorable and vicious all at once. I wish I could pull that shit off).

The puppy is smaller than it looks like in pictures.
I really liked this picture of Natalie Portman taken for The Professional. I think it's really interesting to watch her when she goes on Letterman because he's been interviewing her since she did this film.
You can find all of those interviews on youtube.
I recently found two really ridiculous remixes on the interwebs. One is a mix of Britney Spears'
'Womanizer' and Department of Eagles' 'No One Does It''s called 'No One Womanizes Like You'. The second is a remix of 'Ragged Wood' by Fleet Foxes and Beyonce's 'Put a Ring on It''s called 'Single Foxes (Put a Wood on It)'. The Britney/DOE one is actually really good. It basically just makes Britney's single have more musical appeal.
Back to Boulder Wednesday! Tomorrow, technically.

Monday, January 12, 2009

And In the Beginning....

Alright. I decided to get a blogspot because I had a livejournal. And, may as well be a blogspot. I will use this space to reference the various goings-on in my life that arise from pop culture, music, art, inter-personal relations, etc.

For instance, I'm currently obsessed with one Sir Russell Brand:

He's in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But more importantly, he does stand-up comedy in our very own U.S.A. I fell in love when he was on Letterman (whom I also love....probably more than most). He was brilliant.

In other news, I just got back from Las Vegas where I watched my mother spend obscene amounts of money. She bought me a Narcisco Rodriguez dress and also a coat. I'll post pictures once I have them.

I've also been watching lots of old disney movies again. I realized that Snow White's and Sleeping Beauty's voices are really strange. You should go back and check that shit out. But Cinderella is perfect. and so is Belle. I especially am in love with this scene from Cinderella:
I can't really get over the band Midlake lately. They're such a wonderful throw-back to the late '60s. And I just read up on them and they were all jazz students so they're talented too. If you haven't heard them, look up 'Roscoe'.

We just got a puppy:

The puppies name is Bailey. I named the puppy. It was really the only name I could think of and my mom liked it because we got the puppy for Christmas, and so she said he could be named after George Bailey from It's a Wonderful Life.

Jimmy Stewart is incredible dashing. But not as dashing as my age-old crush, Robert Redford:

Oh man, he's so pretty.

It's really undeniable.

I remember seeing a movie with Robert Redford, Christopher Plummer, and Natalie Wood that I really loved.

I haven't seen it since I was probably 13-years-old but I must find it because it was wonderfully brilliant. There's a scene where Natalie Wood tries killing herself by sticking her head in her oven, but she keeps getting interrupted.

This is the poster for the movie, Inside Daisy Clover. Also the poster for Gypsy, another great movie starring Natalie Wood.

Anygay, that's all for now. More later.